Hebron Animal Hospital Thanks Lowell Fire Department for Their Fire Safety Lesson

At Hebron Animal Hospital, it is important to us that our clients and their pets stay safe in the event of a fire emergency. In order to better prepare our staff, we asked the Lowell Fire Department to come show a demonstration on what to do in a fire.
On June 4th, 2019, a team of dedicated Lowell firemen helped educate our team. We would like to thank Erik, Matt & Kyle for our fire safety training.
We truly appreciate them taking the time to come to teach us the safest way to put out a fire.
We learned how to properly operate a fire extinguisher using the PASS acronym (Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle and Sweep back & forth).
We also had a quick quiz as to exactly where all our extinguishers are located.
It was very informative, and now, we're ready if a fire emergency arises!